Photo by Dee @ Copper and Wild on Unsplash

Hi, there!

Thanks for taking the time to visit my corner of the internet. My name is Alesandra and I’m an artist/creative based out of Texas who happens to love books and media. If you’re reading this, there’s a high chance we’ve met before, and I’m glad you’re here!

I thought it would be a great idea to start posting to the blog section of my portfolio. I plan on posting retrospectives concerning large projects, and discussing my creative endeavors! I experiment in many mediums and often follow my curiosity in my personal creative practice. I find that doing so keeps me fresh, engaged, and challenged. Some things I’ve tried/rekindled in 2023 include crochet, printmaking, and zine making. I also tried painting sprayed edges on books! (It was scary and my first attempt was awful. I’m so sorry to my copy of “Keeper of the Night” by Kylie Baker.)

In case you were curious about my humble art beginnings, I started taking art seriously when I was in middle school. I’m very inspired by books, and that was true back then too. I started out by posting my book fanart to DeviantArt. The work wasn’t all that good, but I was so genuinely happy drawing at that time. I won one of my first art contests drawing a poster for Veronica Roth’s “Divergent.” I began my foray into digital art and design. My friends and I drew for each other often and generously. It was probably a huge formative part of my journey as an artist and as a human being.

Here’s a couple of those old pieces, for those morbidly curious:

I’m a little bit different from the girl who drew these pictures, but it’s her that I think of when I’m at the bookstore. I think of her when I’m in the library. I think of her when I have creative blocks. I’m so appreciative for her being brave enough to take the first steps in posting art online, and I’m appreciative for my friends who have always believed in me.

I hope you’ll visit from time to time to see what I’m up to.

Much Love,



What I’m reading: A Touch of Jen by Beth Morgan

What I’m watching: Doctor Who: Flux, Season 13

On my plate:

  • Wrapping up San Antonio Startup Week work
  • Designing for Spellbound Publishing, LLC
  • Crocheting what feels like an endless panel for a sweater
  • Prepping for NaNoWriMo (National Novel Writing Month)